A plant ever 2 weeks. Taking clones from clones... 2 week vegged clone = take a clone and start all over! I don't plan on cropping a lot just cropping often!
OMG I'm here. These girls stress me out! I'm ready to feel comfy with clones. I just want 1 female. That's all I ask. If I only get 1 or 2 then I guess I'll be good. One and I could get my perpetual going faster than I thought.
What is wrong with her leaves? I know the picture is taken so that it is focusing on any signs of presex but I'm asking about the new growth's leaves. They are light green with spots and splotches of dark green. They are also softer than the other plants and it seems "bubbly"
As you can also see the one that is getting the girl vibes has something going on with her leaves. It's like dark green spots on a light green leaf. Or something.
Well... It's looking like I got 3 males and an unknown. So send me lots of good girl vibes!! Hope one of the ones that I think is a male turns out to be a girl!
Mine looked exactly like that when I just transplanted them. I also took clones. I'm going to let them go 10 more days then it's off to flower. I hope all my clones take or I'm gonna have to take a flowering clone. But I'm not gonna plan for that. I bet the reason they slowed down is...
Looking good buddy. Maybe you could go to my thread and HALP! https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/611731-dabumps-love-chamber-600w-perpetual-3.html
All of their growth seems to have slowed. I'm thinking it's because it gets down to like 57 in there during the dark period. It might be the roots. It might be the topping! URMAHGERD?! I torture them! Someone talk to me...
What is wrong with this plant. The new growth is "soft" and it looks bubbly.
These are good!
I damaged the roots on them when I put the wire in the dirt to anchor them down. Is she gonna die!?
I'm glad to see you back! I'm glad you're here man. I'm going to take some pictures tonight and get them posted up. I topped them and Now I've LSTd them. I think I'm gonna feed them a bit so i can maybe spur some "vigor" They seem to have slowed down and that might be from that fact that I...
Rock and roll man! Just get me a link to it! I'll follow that shit. https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/611731-dabumps-love-chamber-600w-perpetual.html that's what I got going now...