your pict you added to the group look good are you using hydro? I use a hydro flood and drain system it works great. where you the person who was interested in some bubba kush?
looks like nutrient burn try flushing with a flushing agent,these are designed to bond to the salts and help carry them away.I would buy some flora clean by general hydro and use it as recommended. then go do some homework on nutrients remember they usually put the directions on them follow them...
I think your plant is fine. being outside it will flower when the days get shorter and the nights longer so if your weather has been all over the place it will take some time/you can always bring it inside and flower it under lights for 12/12
where in the hell did you get your lighting schedule? never herd a such a thing! you should either leave the light on 24/7 or on for 18hours and off for 6 then of course switch to 12/12 to start budding. just wondering how you came up with your lighting schedule did someone actually tell you...
do you use a product called kushie kush my homie is trying to master bubba kush seems the special kush nutrients didn't really make a diference if at all it made it worse just wondering if anyone else has gad the same experience with it
whats the deal with the whole Mormon spill sounds like you where raised reading the book of mormon if you want I can find some missionaries to come and work with ya(jokes)
here is a breif discription of my hydro system it fills threw a 1/2 inch hose on the bottom and drains threw 3/4inch at the top,the drain recirculates back to my five gallon bucket resevoir. I use cap 2gallon ebb n grow buckets one fits inside the other one and the inside one has holes in the...