Story From Ontario: I layed on my cars windsheild with my girlfriend, it was nighttime and the stars were just bright as bright could be, we had the radio on in the car and we smoked at least 5 j's each. it started to rain just as i finished my last one.
couldn't have been a better night:joint:
Your gonna have to be careful with that. with such a small area, you gotta make sure they don't get, "over excited" and grow rather explosivly. make sure to trim occasionaly to keep the size down
Whatever you do don't cut that big leaf! the bigger leaves are the workhorses, they are the ones that make the most food for the plant. and as for the sun, yes they need more, if you could put mirrors or something around them to give more light to the smaller leaves that would help quite a bit.
This one took quite a while to make. you take on of those little pumps for inflating like beds and stuff, then duct tape the inhaling part of it to a regular bong, (i used a homemade waterbong) the part that blows, tape a large garbage bag to it. the light the weed and turn on the pump. when the...
Ok, well the males will have little buds on them. buds like flowers i mean. you should be able to see those when they're like, about a month or 2 old. the females, will have little hairs on them.