Is this a male or female? Sorry the pics are not the greatest..Has only been flowering for 2 weeks..I have white pistons but then I noticed some clusters of pre-flower staminate primordia.. per the Bible.. they are in the leafy area not at the base of the stem..?? Help should I chop it down or...
Just need some help with a mold problem.. 1000watt ..have fans, have the heavy duty fan with ducting to the outside .. and nothing seems to be helping.. 7 weeks into flowering.. but my new rotation is already getting it too..HeLp! What else can I do?
Def.... nut burn.. not sure what kind.. but I would water down the solution and wait a few days to see if there are new leaves spouting.. cont light cycle as is.. what is the watering cycle on? all nuts should be 1/2 dose or less.. hope that helps.. good luck
had some issues w the light.. think there was more then 6 hrs of darkness.. now showing sex.. but still in the veg cycle.. can I can continue like i planned or do I now have to start flowering? Comments please...
Thanks for the info.. I had a feeling a humidifier was needed.. we def have a challenge with keeping the girls balanced and not to dry.. good luck.. 303..
I have seen alot of people clip the tops of there plants.. When is this done and how far.. I know it is supposed to allow the other branches to grow.. but I don't want to kill them ... anyone have experience with this??
ok.. thanks I appreciate the quick responses!! I think I might try the bag method.. Im pretty sure there all fem,,, but stranger things have happened.. Respect...