First of all I would like to thank all of you guys for the advice. Ph checked and corrected to 5.9. I use tap water, in the place where I live the tap water is great. I follow the Adv. Nutrients program and used for the first week the 25% of the minimum recommended dosage for seedlings(0,25 ml /...
Hi all, I currently grow a Tangerine Dream Auto by Barney's in the gemini plant it system. The pot size is 18lt with clay pellets and the tank below is 8 lt of water with the feeding solution. The day time period is 18 hours and watering schedule for the day time 15 - 20 mins approximately every...
Hello guys could you pls check this seedling and give me an opinion, its leaves are bit discolored. The strain is a blue mammoth auto, the light I use it the 144 reflector, the hydro system is the plantit gemini and I feed Advanced Nutrient . Now its the 4th day in the system, the temp is bit...
I currently grow a 60 Day Wonder Auto in the Aero Plantit DWC system with a reservoir of about 12.5 lt. I am into the third week of growing phase. The light I use is the 144 Marshydro Reflector, the temperature ranges from 23 to 26 max celcius, and the humidity never goes below 55% with top 60 -...
Hello all,
I currently grow an LSD 25 Auto in the Aero Plantit DWC system with a reservoir of about 12.5 lt. I am into the second week of growing phase and noticed these brown spots on the first pair of leaves. The light I use is the 144 Marshydro Reflector, the temperature ranges from 23 to 26...
First of all thnx a lot for the replies, went to the grow shop yesterday and the guy told also its is probably a stain due to the increase of nutes. I changed the water with much less nutes, and i'll monitor for the next couple of days. He told me if it doesn't lose this colour to use oxyplus...
No it does not wipe off, yes i use voodoo juice, piranha and tarantula, and yes the res is sterilized with alcohol before i change the water, got 2 buckets and i change every week in turns. The previous day I always rub with alcohol and then rinse with water. Thnx a lot for the reply
Hello there i have a dwc of 12 lt running for 2 weeks. I use tap water and i just started the AN grow program, at quarter strenght per lt. My temps and humidity are in the normal range, the water temp is around 22 -23 celcius and ph ranges from 6.2 to 7 which i control it with ph down ...
Probably not having your experience I did not mention the info that is needed. Ok me bad. First of all the wattage is actual and not equivalent. Secondly the nutes are liquid, diluted in water, with the ratios that are suggested on the packaging(in 1 lt bottled water). I water them every 3 days...
Firstly i would like to thank you for the reply and the assistance. At the begining I thought that the leaves turning yellow were the old ones, but it seems that some of the new one on the bottom near the roots are turning yellow. On the upper side the plant is great. Here are and some photos...
I have 2 ak48 auto by attitude seed bank there are currently 4 weeks old, I have them in a case with dimensions 1 meter height, 75 cm length and 45 cm width. I have them under 1 150w cfl for 18/6 light cycle. I use a nute NPK 8-7-9. The lower leaves are turning yellow could you assist me pls?
I am growing 2 Northern Lights Auto by nirvana. I am at week 7 and I am using 4 25w cfl's in a pc case, the light cycle I use is 16/8, and i bend them due to limitations of space. The one on the left side of the photo has yellow leaves. At first I though it was a nute problem or over watering...