Hello everyone,
Its been a while but i have finally seen some improvements and found the answer to my problem.
Basically the PH was TOO low by miles.
How it happened was i bought a cheap PH tester, one of the liquid ones, and it only goes from PH 6.0 - 7.4. This seemed would be ok for my...
Sorry i cant answer your question maybe others can help but ill give you some info on my plants.
Top half of plants went dead and had to be chopped off, and i am using Bio Bizz.
Week 1: 1ml formulex per litre ( they seemed to love it and grow quick, like 2 inches every couple or days,
I have given all my plants a foliar spray with formulex. This morning i noticed some of the leaves were a better green colour. Formulex is what i gave to the plants at the start and they loved it before i changed to Bio Bizz. Maybe gonna try watering with it next time.
now im getting worried, my clones have started to show signs of the same!
Im thinking a PH problem but my mind is going crazy please help me i dont want to lose what i have to a stupid mistake. I have never had this happen before and i have grown a few times.
Hello all im back with a little update and some pics on the situation after the flush 2 days ago.
Basically i havent seen any good signs yet, the damaged leaves seem to have died off so most of them got chopped to reduce the risk of disease as they was already dead.
My skunk #1 plant was...
No need to be sorry mate, you are helping as much as you can, what more can i ask for :)
Thanks Lysergic, with the help of you amazing people i will definately get to the bottom of this if it kills me, ill document all the way.
Im still thinking maybe a dodgey batch of bio bizz because it...
OK i flushed yesterday about 24-36 hours ago and upn looking today they seem to have possibly got worse?? the yellow looks almost white and is drooping and looks like those parts will die.
There is also more burning of the leaves, but at the same time there are some leaves that look to have...
lamp is just under 2 metres above the canopy about 1.5 metre. If you see earlier posts i explain my setup and how the plants are in there.
Flushed both mothers today with about 20 litres between them, one is only in a 1 litre pot but i still put about 10 litres thru her.
I will be back to...
ok this is my grow area
1.2m X 1.2m X 2m Grow tent.
100mm inline ruck + carbon filter combo
600w Metal halide
Bio Bizz G/B
Bio Bizz All Mix
Temps are getting down to 16 degrees c at night and 21 degrees in the day. I realise that this should really be a little higher.
Humidity is a stable...
just thaught i would add that the 2 mothers both have different soil, one has a standard potting soil and the other has bio bizz all mix but they both show same symptoms. I would assume that means the soil is not a problem and definately something im doing to them for them both to go like that...
they started yellowing while under 2 x 36w flouresant bulbs, it just seemed to get worse under the metal halide, i have cuttings under the metal halide with the mothers and they are fine, the light is about 1.2 metres plus above the canopy, basically i have a grow tent, the light is as high as...
Thanks for the advice homegrown, i will flush them as soon as they are dry and take it from there. or is it ok to flush when i have just fed them? the last feed was 2 days ago with full strength bio bizz. the soil is still quite wet.
Thanks again for your help :)
Thanks, i thought about that but since i havent really fed them at all , only 3 feeds total over 3 weeks which 2 was half doses.
The pots was super dry when i watered.
I have seen that it could be some sort of sulphur/iron/zinc deficiency but i havent a clue how to treat this.
If its...
Hello everyone i am having some problems with my mothers. I have been on other sites and tried to get some help but nobody seems to be able to work out what my problem is.
I will try and explain exactly what has happened as best i can. Sorry if this is longwinded and thankyou for taking the...