I you just use a key to heap a little mound and snort that. Keep doses to a min as just a small extra bit can put across that fine line into the K-hole.
You do be prober fucked for about a half hour then it starts to fade, like your not tripping balls anymore but still kinda buzzing. You should never do to much of the stuff as it will drop you on the deck and keep you there for a few hours. Not a plesent experience. Its good fun in small doses...
Howea lads, just wondering has anyone had any luck finding our little fungi friends on our green pastures yet?
I was going to head out for a bit of hunting around the Kildare/Wicklow area this weekend and was wondering is it worth my while? I have been chatting to a few fellow shroomers and I...
Cheers jay, was having some moisture build up in the mini greenhouse there for a bit. Had to fold up the sides to let some air flow in. The otherday i checked the blue widow and found a bud that was starting to mold :( Whipped it off straight away so i hope that will solve the problem for the...
Heres my hollands hope, topped lst'd and topped again. Grown outdoors in lovely "green" Ireland!
Just lookin at some of your girls there lads, feckin savage!
Whats the crac lads, heres a snap of "the beast"(hollands hope) and a bud shot of the blue widow. both coming along fine apart form a few problems.
Hows Everyone else gettin on? The weather has been fairly shit for us outdoor heads the last while. I also have a hollands hope up in a mates gaf...
Just after noticing stem rot in at least 3 of my colas, at this point in time i would rather a firm kick in the gonads than have to see this shit. Proper fuckin gutted so i am. I sprayed a bit of anti fungal on the points where its rotting but i wonder will this help kill or slow down the...
I would leave that plant go till at least the first week of oct. Mabie flush on the first and chop on the 10th. A weak frost should not damage your girl, but if you get multipul frosts in a row with out it clearing up during the day you will have problems. Other that that keep that girl going as...
Thats true jay, normaly when they have around 8 nodes.
Whats the crac anyway chaps, havnt been on here in a while. My broadband was fucked there for a bit.
Anyways, my girls are well into the buddin at this stage, i have 2 hollands hope and a blueberry x whitewidow. All going strong.
As the days get shorter at a more rapid rate the plant turns to flower, 12/12 is just to induce flowering. Outdoor where i live plants start to bud last wee of aug first of sep.
They show sex when they get to a certin age, they dont bud till around the last week of august.
Im hoping to get a few ozers of this one. HOpe it doesnt mold up, had nightmares last year.