Me best (so tiny I won't mention it) was with White Widow....
grew a bunch of strains together - an thou the WW didn't look like a bigger yielder... it did almost Double wot the other strains managed......
;) Long Live WW!
..... that does make sense....
I'm defo gunna go get sum " BlackStrap Unsulphered " Molasses
I do luvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv the taste n smell n I expect Ganjees enjoy a Treat every now n then...
Yeah Man!
Hate Bugzzzzzzz
I had all kinds of creatures living in my Autos!
Tiny little spiders.. little green things... little fat beetle things... more tiny little spiders (not mites dont worry LOL)
An everytime I go outside to visit the Ladies - I am under attack from giant...
Blueberry is soooooooooooooo flavorsome!
I think I mite just havta go get maself sum Blueberry seeds - like - rite now!
But I did see an article somewhere... saying to feed the plant "flavors" about 3 hours before harvest... so give it a good dose of Vanilla essence(or wotever) in water -...
Spain is obessed with weed!
Everyone is trying to get it, smoke it or grow it or steal it!
Its not legal - but people think you're wierd if you're not into weed .....
Best Grow Spot On Earth (me tinks!)