I feel for you Natty, my bubbler is dead too...All the skunks and the clones died, and I'm gonna say fuck it for now, I'm stickin with soil till I get a little more knowledge under my belt...I fucked that one all up LOL. Lemme know when you start ur new seeds, we can run neck and neck, I have...
Girls look good. Not really alot of growth, but the littlest one is up from 2 inches to 3 so that makes me a little happy. The only changes are that I no longer have to look closely to see the hairs on Hope and Faith, and Destiny's bottom bud took the pollination VERY WELL, all the little hairs...
They look pretty healthy. I also have a couple that are both the same strain and one is twice as large...Please put the link to your journal in your signature and I would be more than happy to share and compare auto grows with you! My youngest ladies are at day...29 I think.
Mornin Bill! I slept too late and lights are out, but I'm going to check my outside autos right now. I already checked on the male and cut 5 new pollen sacs off him, he is giving me more pollen than I'm gonna be able to use...YAY! :) I'll be back in a min to let you know how the girls look.
Hey mk, I've been trying to figure out your sig for weeks...Is that refering to Emeril, as in Emeril Legassi? That's the only thing I could come up with, and that u just copied it cuz its so stupid its funny...
Coulda been I suppose, but I really think it was today. I usually check new posts 2 or 3 times a day, and it seems to me that the one that said that was on when I checked after supper tonight. Or I'm just too buzzed for my own good LOL
If you have a good ventilation system your best bet is to go with hps. If you don't have a vent system and are relying on fans for air circulation then you should go with cfl's. The link for my grow is in my signature, come check it out and u can see my cfl lighting setup and stuff.
LOL I know all about pissed off girls, I'm a girl grower LOL Not a problem, I like to help if I can. I fucked up my autos by transplanting and stunted their growth, so I know firsthand about not wanting to screw up.
Sidenote* I pollinated my female auto assassin with my male auto assassin a...
I've named the little girl Faith. Destiny, Hope, and Faith for my first real grow, I think its appropriate LOL. I think I'll name the girl mid Luck, cuz I need all the luck I can get :)
Idk if it's good, bad, or ugly, but Destiny's hairs are starting to turn rust colored. Except for the little...
I still vote for the pakistan ryder, but if its between the two u mentioned then I vote for the super lemon haze...any kind of weed named cheese just weirds me out LOL