o yea ive had blue yellow green red and white transformers, all come in either decepticons or autobots. but these one white ones i had a decepticon on one side and a autobot on the other. definitly transformed me!!!! yea i mentioned naked ladies in my post above and this reminded me these one...
i heard ecstasy dosent go bad, read that if their were ecstasy pills in the egyptian days and you found one n a tomb, theyd still be as good as tha day they were mad. but i know what you mean ecstasy especially the selling part involves way more violence and bullshit than most people think...
dude i couldnt even try to name the kinds i had. no bullshit when we used to sell em wed reup on like 2 or 3 hundred pills and theired be over 20 diffrent kinds sometimes. all tha pills where always similar though. Their would be huge round ones with either lips,naked ladies, skullnbones , 999...
no ive had alot of experience with x. i have a high tolerance, i used to sell tha fuck outta that shit. some rolls i get(same price 5 a pop) it only takes one. and ive had molly. GOOD molly too not tha powder shit tha crystal shit and good x pills ill take one of them over molly all day. molly...
nah look what happens when people ship seeds through tha mail and they get found, very illegal yet they cant charge you, if you didnt use a credit card or sompthing connected to your name for payment they cannot prove you yourself ordered that shit
i got some in the ground and in pots. my area has a red clay like soil to but i found a patch of some good dirt and it works great, look for some pine trees, usually the ground there wont be as much clay
hahaha ikr unfortunately ive been thinkin bout blow alot lately lol especially since that one dude posted that thread in tha hallucinogen group bout coke
ive messed wit xanax for a couple years and i know how to keep em under control now. tha problem with people and xanax is that they take to many and half tha time dont even mean to. ima pretty good sized dude and 2 bars gets me a good buzz, i never do more than two, and only like once a week...
haha nah definitly dont where a skirt, i dont look like a "druggy" but idk what to say to get a script, pretty sure ima jus stick to tha black market i aint tryn to get no counterfeit pills
i got an advanced scale, you know tha ones that would register a weight like 1.121 grams. not even half a point will numb your whole face and throat and put you n that super intense wowwwwww lol thats tha only way i can explain it
Found a pretty reliable site and i think im going to try it out. I've heard of people having success with this in the past but ive never tried it myself. Any thoughts?