Security cameras and systems have come down in price so much, that any SERIOUS grow should have at least one covering it. You can then check yer girls from any internet capable computer. But then, all you'd really get would be an advance notice of the disaster. You'd probably see faces with a...
That aint a half bad idea. I looked at some solar power solutions, we really do wanna be off the power grid anyway. But as of last year, they were HIGH as hell for a decent solar panel system. I'd like to be able to run my house, about 3000w of HID, and still sell some back to TVA.
Yep!!! Right there with ya. I too, used MG soil and nutes my first grow. Just right at the point where I started them flowering is when everything went south QUICK!!!!
I was too hung up on pH, and to be honest, I was way too concerned that things were going wrong (when in reality they were...
And that post was different from what you posted how? I really didn't mean to attack you, (OK yes I did) I do not know you, nor you me. Your post about "piggies" made about as much sense as a soup sandwich. Our (Ga Growers) discussion affected you in what way? No reason at all to call someone...
DAMMIT!!! I WAS pretty satisfied with my "paltry" QP (110 grams dry) I got from the one plant that survived my first attempt to grow. (Oh my god was it fine smoke!!!)
I'm subscribed as well. These numbers here are more in line with what I was thinking (OK, Hoping) I'd get. I have 20 going...
Don't go there dude, it aint worth it. It's his ball, and he don't want to play. Probably doesn't live in Ga anyway. Check yer PMs. Cool that you're here.
The only 100% sure fire way to avoid a raid is don't do it. Dont do ANYTHING that might attract the cops attention. Of course, that's a pretty boring lifestyle and still leaves you buying whatever generic schwag you can find to smoke, while we who do grow have connoisseur grade pot.
Your single...
I've never crossed the northern border, but in another thread there was a sure fire way to get it a hollowed out dildo!!!! make it look "well used", and carry a tube of KY next to it. I seriously doubt ANY agent would willingly touch that. It's pure fuckin' genius.
Thanx Seamaiden. Christ, I'm 5'3", and EVERYTHING is 16' to me. My son didn't mow the lawn one week and I got lost on the way to the mail box. And people wonder why I think my plants are huge. There ya go!
It's really not a laser per se, it just uses a laser to aim it. They are infra red "no contact" thermometers. Here is one from harbor freight:
Harbor Freight Tools - Quality Tools at the Lowest Prices
I just tried mine, and under the 400w light I cannot see the laser dot. But I held it real...
I doubt very seriously that you want to Block the UV. There are lots of threads here about how UV may increase THC production.
Using a standard thermometer would measure the radiant heat, no doubt, and give totally inaccurate readings but if you use a "laser" type digital thermometer you'll...
You are absolutely right. But a major commercial grow is a whole 'nuther venue. So many more variables come into play. I am TOTALLY jealous that you can have a backyard looking like that. That is one BEAUTIFUL fuckin' hedge!!!No possible way I could do that here.
Your shit is legal, or almost...
Take clones and sex them while the plants are still in veg. Less stress on your ladies. I wonder if DNA testing will ever become a realistic means of sexing? Hell, we have home HIV tests, home pregnancy and drug testing, How long before home DNA tests become a reality? THAT would be the shit!!!