ahahaha thats why u start like ten if u want five or six.....sucks man but atleast u got a little experience now.....putting crop pics up today son......bitches r getting trimmed right now
got gdp around and bout to clip my bitches.....about ur transition period wit nutes...most nutrients have a phase of switch to bloom nute mix.....dont go more then 800 ppm in soil...usually keeps me from burning the plant...ill put more bud porn when i take harvest pics
depends on how much space u have for ur plants jordan....it takes about two months of flower and ur plants take almost if not more double the space.....thats wat controls when u should flower
had some heat stress from this past week...had to leave em for awhile and the babysitter didnt want to make sure doors were open so cool air could come in but it was only a few days...these r about 2 months old from seed....I started a shitload...shoulda gave myself a little more room...thought...
yea a cheap solution is get sticky fly strips and anything that would trap em inside ur small area...they are good cause doesnt cause any harm to ur plants...if its bad then resort to sprays...then clean ur area with vacuum so there is no bugs layin eggs or anything...then spray around ur house...
yea ffof does contain all that but it doesnt hurt to supplement ya kno...i understand ur tryin to keep it cheap...the perlite will help ya with watering deff tho..if u have a small space then i would deff start flowering early like u plan and make sure u get a descent digi timer...they are only...
beastie bloom?...i use ffof too...i like it...in the future u might want to add to the soil too...like worm castings, more guano, and perlite....u should be good for now without nutes but ur deff gonna wanna get some to get better results....gh is alright for beginners...i just switch to the...
no never start ripping leaves off when ur plant is that small, i wish i had pics on this of my setup so i can show u how sometimes that happens and its not a big deal really, i just use reg water for a few days and slowly start feeding nutes, when they r that small i dont even use nutes really...
dont bother trimmin them off till it gets bigger then that, those starter leaves will eventually be so far away from the light that they wont do shit and u can just trim them so it helps ur plant with bud growth instead of spending energy trying to make those leaves grow nice...if u look at a...
dude dont sweat the lower ones being yellow, just use plain water if u think ur over nuting it, my plants usually have the lower ones turn yellow somewhat cause im pretty sure its just ur babies adjusting to nutes
aw naw this is just like ur page or some shit, im kinda new to this site too, ive been just using it to look up shit but never really used all of its bells and whistles yet, i tried to pm u but it said in ur settings wont allow it or somethin.