She's a little droopy... I have a strong feeling this might just be a bit normal though for 3 reasons:
1. It happened to my friend Tamuuli at the same stage in seedling growth.
2. I know the soil is aerated, I know I did not overwater.
3. It's still growing (so it cant be that bad:P)
So I gave...
dude thats sick!
YO I have the droopy leaves syndrome!! lol And um my little plant has the droopyness (then again it is morning) at the same stage yours did... I know the soil is aerated and I just gave it a lot of water (cuz i know before I def did not overwater...)
so... I guess im just...
let mother nature do it's work man.. they'll sprout.. bright lights. don't worry, undig a little dirt to help it out and DEF do not worry about watering (use only a mister like i do-- not actually pouring water on it). And just keep the soil moist.. thats it and they'll grow strong :)
they dont...
no look it up. it was on another post. Urine has some chemicals that help the plant.. its just salty.
The only other downside is that if you.. IF you do other drugs even such as alcohol or aspirin, metabolites will be in urine and it might also negatively affect the roots...
but I read...
so how many plants do u have altogether? and how many lights? Watts? color specs (####K)? im sorry if u already answered this im kinda retarded at the moment ;)