why i asked is because i have access to all of this equipment and material. im more interested in the science of creating the purest oil i can and understanding the process, not purifying "crap weed" . thanks for the response but every time i ask a question on this site about the science of...
which one is more pure to use acetone or petroleum ether? and i was wondering if anyone has tried this
form of extraction before and think it would be worth the time and money for the quality? Thank you
is it realistic for me to think that with the correct strain i could grow 3 plants that would yield a half pound each under a high quality 350w LED. any thoughts, suggestions? thanks
I live in hawaii and im looking to setup an operation indoors. I have been looking at possibly buying a 350w high quality led lamp. I am pretty set on led because of the cost of electricity and heat and can afford the inital setup cost of led. what i am wondering is if anyone has any advice on a...