Whats up RIU,, this is my first grow and I have two full grown ladies (about 16 inch each) and its about time to chop!! but there is one problem, I have to relocate and drive about 7 hours back to my other home. I was thinking to just hang them in a Rubbermaid on the way down and then when I get...
Anyone have any experience with any of these strains?? WW and super cali are allrdy vegging but it would be awesome to hear some info from anyone who has worked with any of these strains before at all!! cant wait for the feed back.
X-Line White Widow x Big Bud
UFO #1 Short Stuff Seeds...
thanks for the help guys.. it dosent have a light fixture tho so i took the door off and used some velcro and a sunblock curtain as a new door and now it is averaging low 80's. Do you think I should still cut a whole in the roof and vent in the attic? i Know it can only bring good but im leasing...
This is my first grow,, any advice on how to vent a bedroom closet? I am hoping that i do not have to cut a hole in my door for an inline fan. Any help would be great. thanks :joint:
Also temp is at about 90 i need some help asap to get this temperature down so my babies can survive