just keep them small, my box is 2 feet deep, 3feet tall by 3 feet wide. i flower at 6-8 inches tall to allow for growth, and space for lights. plants will double to triple in height through flower phase. you can always tie down tall plants as well.
i veg under an 18 on 6 off schedule because...
this is the retarded rational we are up against. go be an alcoholic, according to her. i dont drink alcohol, i do use marijuana medically, even if it wasnt medicinal i would still enjoy it, just like everyone else that enjoys a nice glass of wine. why is it you can legaly get drunk, but cant...
i feel the government is setting up for legalization, they are hitting growers hard in ca and i think they are clearing the path for government control and/or commercial control of the product and taxes. legalization right now would be great, but if they wipe clean most of the growers they...
your leaves are heavy with water by the looks of it. you need better drainage? with the right soil mixture your roots wont drown and they will get propper airation. also i fluff my soil, so it dosnt get compacted.
unless you do your own research on history and look at both sides its biased. my parents have a ton of "history" books but they are only 1 side of the story. history has become a point of view. investigate true history from all points of view and you will see we are taught only what they want...
wow! this is the problem with america , people being fed bull then go out and spread the crap like its butter.....
what about just taking the parts that work, making them work in our system better. we are americans, if anyone can extract the good parts and improve them it would be us! we can do...