hmm i havent seen that tek yet, but it does seem like a good alternative if i cant find NaOH. i really dont want to use a credit card online for the exact reason heir proctor said. In the food safe tek, could someone mix it in a crockpot to keep the mixture slightly warm? this way it would also...
wow my bad man i just saw your message now. i used the site you told me about tho, pretty pumped to get some pretty crystals. i was gettin sick of the rarity of dimethyltryptamine comin around haha which technique did you use?? i was planning on usin the one on erowid, the newer one that takes a...
ahhh mann tell me about it...i feel like ive been loosing my mind these past couple of weeks. a good blast-off or 2 is going to be exactly wat i need to get me through the 2nd hald of the semester haah Goodluck with the midterms man and continue doing wat you do:leaf:
Alright guys so im in a bit of a dilema here, i was planning on running a chemistry experiment but so far havent found a legitimite soure from where i could get acacia bark or mimosa hostilis. If someone knows of a safe place you will make my day haha thanks alot guys
This man is exactly right. You have to truely have an interest in the study of chemistry and a desire to learn. Tha doesnt only apply to the course work and graduating, you have to have a true desire for learning in life in general. I knew people in my prior classes and all they did was...
dude, me and you are on completly the same page here. haha but im sure by the time we'll graduate, if we actually remember all of what they taught us, we should be able to synthasize alot. but thats why i wanna also do i can synthesize even more. haha not to make money off of...
6 hour labs?!? holy shit have fun with that.haha i have 4 hour labs but theyre not bad at all, labs are my favorite actually. n yea grad school for pharmacology. couldve done pharmacy, which is usually only 5 years n make damn good pay, but i like researching how these psychedelics work. its...
dont worry about it man. chem major here and everything you do is pretty much step by step. organic chem n all that good stuff shouldnt be too bad after undersanding the chem 1 and 2 material. if your into it youll be fine. shoot...i had a 2.6 gpa in hs and have a 3.81 in college haha if your...
yea wat i liked most about DMT was the "enlightenment"...i guess you could say, i got from it. i dont do it just to get "f*cked up", instead i do it cuz it feels like your just in a whole new dimension that you cant otherwise get to and try to gain something from it. So im guessing shrooms are...
Hey, not trying to jack the thread but how do acid/shrooms compare to the DMT experience? I've messed with DMT several times, and it was an amazing experience, can not wait til i get the chance to go back there But im iffy with acid, knowing its much longer of a trip than DMT. DMT was...