An intake and outage fan will be good just use two pc fan one lower blowing in and one blowing out that's higher as heat rises on the box for watering just get a gallon jug fill with water you can you distiller water with a ph 0.0 or if the tab if your area is okay with a range of 6.1-6.7 use...
No lol it will continue growth just get some chicken wire and put it 8 Inches into the ground and 8 Inches up on top and it will keep those ground hogs from getting at those plants :) .
Usually toward mid-late August are days become shorter and bloom begins so I will start my Journal on my personal grow on August 1 if anyone's interested :) .
One plant maximum that is a micro grow also I'm surprised your having problems with it being too cool as with that foil it should be radiating a lot heat. Temperature is always the number one problem when it's come to growing next to watering and lighting and of course plants need heat and light...
Just rip the males when ready with pollen collect some pollen freeze the pollen then when ready to fertilize just get a paint brush dip in pollen then touch the desired pistil with pollen sorry about the males take some clones from the female and then just replenish the losses.
Okay here's what you can do get some heavy duty black garbage bags then go to your desired planting area dig a hole template big enough so you can put the bags into the template then put holes into the bottom the bag then you can line template with the bag until its secure then begin to put your...
^ Up north the flowering begins a lot earlier than down here south were still going 14/24 so you will still be good I'm not starting my personal grow till August 1.