Hey hottodharley...yeah man you are definitely the main one ot call it out right away. I should have given you more props....I appreciate you posting that info as soon as you did. I was mainly replying to the other msgs re: the timer issue.
I am a light-leak inspector-nazi because of you now my...
Sorry for the late reply...been pretty damn busy lately.
Anyway, you guys probably won't believe me but the delayed flowering I had was, in fact, cause mainly by the bright LED light right under the plants. Also just so you guys know...these girls were actually flowering but SO DAMN SLOOOOW...
I hope I don't see balls. I'm hoping the low light intensity didn't stress them too much.
If male sacks start to show is there anything I can do? Like can I just snip them off before they shoot pollen?
Yeah I def try to check that every couple days. I actually had to change humidifiers due to those "nightlights" attached. I hope I start seeing some fat buds soon.
Hey Guys...thanks alot for your expertise! I really appreciate it! Man, I was VERY close to chopping them and starting over...I'm glad I posted my concern on here first. I would have been PISSED if I did that.
@hotrodharley... thx man I think you called it right away. I SWEAR the light leak was...
Okay so I attached pics of the only two potential light leaks.
1 is the opening of the air in-take fan and the 2nd one is the small green LED light off the surge protector.
There really isn't much light that gets thru the air intake opening because of where it is and the direction it faces. I...
Ok, so I've managed to get some results after luckily babysitting 3 grows in the last couple years. I definitely had multiple issues thruout those grows but managed to turn the crops around to leave me with something at the end.
I think I've learned how to avoid most issues with...