What's up with all the balllllz Whodat? I thought you liked girls? :lol:
Just kidding. That was mean. Watch I go 0 for 8 fem on my beans. I'm surprised you are getting such a high ratio, though. They seem to have everything the need to be happy healthy GIRLS :shock:
Hope you're having a...
Puff puff paaaaassssss
I wish it were snowing and cold here right now. I love Monday's that are cold and dark sometimes... lets me finish up some of my work, too.
I didn't know you''d run a scrog set up before. You must be getting an extra fun kick outta watching this piece of work so far...
Thanks brotha! I'm just expecting that it can't be this easy... like somewhere along the lines my scrogging of mothers is going to come back to haunt me... like when I'm trimming a bunch of mini buds, lol.
Easy on your peepers there! Can't continue to grow chronic all cross eyed :D
I know guys who have whole houses filled to the brim with setups just to make some scratch. That's multiple grows per person, just to feed their family. Wait until weed becomes legal. It'll be cheaper to buy it than to grow it someday. I'll still grow it, though ;)
Happy Healthy Baby, Jig...
I know, huh? I've run out of places to bob and weave to, lol. Just growing straight up.
Will be interesting to see how some of the shorter stalks will do. At 4 weeks you think I'm gonna be in here pruning some stuff back? I have a feeling I'll be doing something to cut back on the amount...