What up dudes? Just looking for some opinions and advice. Il give you a background. This year I grew 4 autos in a 4x4 tent. I staggered the grows. I started a caramella, then two Cheeses and lastly a mazar. The caramella was 100% but the Cheese went hermie and so forth did the mazar.
Now I...
Just looking for some advice. Stupidly I started the wrong seeds in my tent in January and had them under 18/6 lights. I noticed there was no flowering and then realised I started 3 durban poison seeds. So long story short I have moved them outside and plan to stash them off in a secluded area...
I had this done originally but I just packed it all too tight so I removed the stone on the re pot unfortunately. And your right I'm across the pond! :)
Hopefully they will survive. Learnt an important lesson though.
Thanks for the reply mate. Il definitely keep that tip in mind. Hopefully they will get going again. No sign of flowering yet so I might be lucky with these plants and not damage them too much.
Ok so I'm looking for some of your opinion on this please. My autos were about 6 weeks old and showed serious some signs of overwatering. Droopy day crispy leaves and yellow spots. My issue was I over packed the soil and they were not draining properly.
Here's what I did today. I took out...
Well folks. I'm just apart to start off my second grow and the paranoia has begun, a grow house in town was just busted recently.
I grow in my timber shed with a small 4x4 tent and a 600w hps. I'm just wondering would this wave a red flag with the police choppers?
I'm going to grow this...
Can anyone recommend a very quite exhaust fan? I have a basic set up that works a treat but my fan is too loud and it will only bring attention to the neighbours as I use my garden shed. Iv completed one grow so far with great results, but a good fan is something I need to invest in.
Il do that. Problem is I have only one fan and two area to fan down. Lol. The inside of my grow tent and the cardboard box with the compromised buds. Im going to lay lots of newspaper in that box tonight.
Damn this can be so frustrating. All this work gone in and now I have mold and a cold...
Both are seperated. The good buds hanging upside down in my tent.
The compromised buds laying in a cardboard bix with ventilated holes.
Now this is sll going on in a timber shed and its cold and wet out. Using my house is out of the question.
So do I get an eletric heater and dry the buds in...
Well folks. Advice please if you dont mind. Finished first auto grow and it went perfect except I found mould in the top buds.
I harvested the buds and removed the mouldy ones. I have them good buds hanging in my tent now. Problem is I found a slight bit of mould on the stem of the cola bud I...
Well after some careful thinking I decided to keep the light and fan on and reduce from 18/6 to 14/10 running from 8pm to 10am, when theres less activity outside. I also pointed the fan away from the door and to the back of the shed. Hopefully itl make some difference and im gonna brave through...
Just checked them there now. To be honest I think I might just get away leaving them in the dark and chopping. Anything is a bonus on the first grow I suppose. I just dont want unwanted attention from the neighbours.
Hmm. I only began to fluch two days ago. I wonder If I flushed for the next couple of days. Just ran the lights for 8 hours at night with no exhaust fan, as its a small shed the fan is spreading the smell like crazy, would get away with it?
Or could I give one more large flush and just leave...
Damn, only way I can get one is on the Internet. By the time they it arrives the grow will be over.
Do you think I could get away with harvesting a week early? Get more of a head high than a body stone?
Apolagies for the typos by the way, im using a phone.
Also this is my first grow, so despite being an idiot and having no filter, I think I did pretty good.