I ordered a 30$ bong piece from Grasscity and it came broken after it took 1 month to receive it (while living in Amsterdam.. where they're shipment warehouse is located, go figure..) so I received a replacement bong piece with a 12.91$ Gift Box (as a gift ofcourse)...
If I had a 9x10x7 room and max 12 plants right now..
First of all the room dimensions are awesome for growing weed.
I would veg 6 longer then avg. to make them as big as possible in those exact pots.. what you actually want to achieve here isn't necessarily height or width but root development...
Additional LST:
The more sunlight the stem gets, the more it's going to promote further growth.
I did this one just 1 of the girls, to see some noticeable difference in growth structure.
So I just started doing some LST on some of the girls. Just a few just to promote further branch development.
My tools and the Blue Cheese model of choice:
First some bending and training
Now some topping
The seedlings are still vegging ofcourse (until the current are ready to harvest, so 4 more weeks).
The White Rhino's in the back and the Blue Cheese are at day 26 of veg.
The smaller ones have 21 days and 18 days old.
They're still growing very slowly compared to other plants I've had.. like...
Thanks bro, keeping the positive spin on things right lol..
But I am planning on taking my vegging WR seedling and turning her clone into a mother so I can grow White Rhino's perpetually in the future.
I think I'm really getting them under control now, so it's not going to be an upset again..
Alright guys, the plants have been through hell and back these couple of weeks, and they've survived... some what..
Sadly the growth has been stunned down completely for the last 2 weeks.. The plant was also suffering from heat stress which in turn I believe made the buds lose resin glands...
Thanks alot, Well it's allot to answer here, so I'll direct you to a youtube vid you could check to learn about the germination process..
It's from Jason Wilcox, a cannabis activist in Canada.
Alright man!! you're going to enjoy it..
Here are some...
Can't really say what size they should be, cause I think it all depends on what strain you're growing.. Most Indica's normally won't even get much taller than 3 feet.. So they're vegged to maybe 1 feet and then triggered for flowering.. What you should do is then veg it to 1'8" or 2 feet, and...
Hey bro, glad to hear you're thinking about starting your grow.. I think most of us here learned or are learning how to grow plants from watching threads on forums or DVD's and books.
So it's really cool you'd like to start and for a tent of those measurements I think you...
Lol, I really wish I could just use a plant, but the sad truth is I live in Amsterdam and I won't be getting more then 4$ a gram is I'm selling weed to friends, neighbors or anyone for that matter.. So I'd rather just use it myself then ;)
To be honest a friend of mine in Paris told me they sell...
Well I do love me some girl on girl action.. maybe the plants won't disappoint :cry::hump:
lol.. I think I'm going for the DR120 or DR150.. I just need to be able to hold 6 plants so 120 should be enough.. but 150 I can also place a fan in there without crowding things up..
We'll see.. Cause...