Looks like soil is too moist. Not enough draining.. root rot is setting in..... flush with "1 tablespoon of peroxide per gallon of pure water" . Let it drain. Then add a soluton with lots of beneficial bacteria to eat up the dead roots... if that dont work shes dead!!!!
im a noob, but i think you are root bound. try putting them in a 5gal bucket....let the roots hang in sum phed water with lil air bubbles in it.... betch they bounce back!!!
all you kats rap suck,
my 2 year old could smack ya'll up.
what all ya'll sum fag's or what?
i never knew this site was homo
im just tryin to grow sum home grown
all sexy bitches i like to bone
teachum how to speak on this microphone
then she'll spit sum shit, all y'all leave the mic alone
pull as much out , the deeper you keep the roots in the water the easyer they will seperate. but you can just cut the base, leave it there for a day then pull out..... make sure you have root eating beni's and keep cool 68 deg......beni's s should turn dead roots to plant food....
this might sound crazy but its real!!!! U become what u think about the most!!!!... so if u keep thinking the break up is killing u, thats what ur energy will bring u........ yeah i know crazy!!!! so just think that its a good thing cause their is a goodside to ur break up........