Also check the melungeon magic pics and avatar, this is the newest projects. after my father died we cleaned out abunch of crap in his house, some of the "crap" I found was his stash of seeds, Quite a collection so far some have sprouted some have not, Dates writen on the small zipplocks go back...
Keep that small psudo going, I had one that produced very unique flavours, as well as aroma. However a hermie condition that becomes IRREVERSIBLE! can accure from SOME blueberry strain's psudos, I think its just because they are so finicky,as well as easily stressed. With my psudo I swore if you...
:-PPeace brother, saw your thread posted about spider mite problem. Check my post on "spidermite help." If your interested in preditor mites, and where to get them.I had the exact issues. At 5 weeks in. I started to notice a little webbing. I've moved the post to my journals, so check it out...
Humm.... mabey supercritical is not the right terminology? I found the method in Greg Greens book. It was described as supercriticle fluid extraction, mabey the author miss- labeled the process. This extractor that I built, was modeled after the description and illustration in this book. What I...
The technic is simple the Fluid is butane, get this from a good tobbaconist, calibri is the best. Temps are not an issue do to the fact it is the cold fluid that disgorges the tricrome from the material, pressure not an issue, the two screens in the unit controls the back pressure. Simply use...
Over the years I've had the opertunity to teach several people how to make "honey oil" useing the Supercritical Fluid Extraction method (S.F.E) for short. Many of these people have gone on to reaserch methods of constructing shoestring devices to do the job.
One thing that has always been a...
Been looking at some of sub cools strains some really hit the mark. Also much thanks canna 420 for the leed on the juicy fruit was thinking it was some local bay area only pheno of something or another!!
basement hack of sorts, Been in that catagory off and on for a couple of decades. Digin the hell out of all the new advances. Some of wich I've applied to very old original strains
ya just looking for that juicy fruit again its probably not available anymore it was created by trichrom technologies appearantly there defunct, they pop up all over the web but no web sight no current info.
Ok, I've gathered my nerve and decided to go mail order. So.. After a few days of carefull contiplaytion, reflection, and of course education. I've come to the conclusion that I have even less idea what to order than I did when I started down this path. HOLY CRAP!!! What I would like is; A...
wHello folks, clicked this thread because I'm thinking of moving to oregon in the spring, for the reason of starting a med grow somewhere warm, bad arthritis. After reserching the subject a little, I've only filled my head with more questions????? first and formost is this, if I go there is...
Been reading this thread, lots of questions. First, security. Any tips on getting these mailorder brides to be into the usa. I live in a part of the country high in mormon control. "a little bit gets ya along time in the pokey". Second payment? debit card safe? Step by step from a vet in this...
yup, about right. you can lose even more through the sweating process. If your bud gets a little too dry in cureing, find a green fan leaf and put it about 2/3 the way down in your nug jug. dont put it all the way down sometimes this can cause mold. this will put a little moisture back in...