Lol i have like 3 weeks to go and i'm battling mold and bud rot.. like.. a shit load of bud rot, i've already lost around 5 tops and a bunch of lower nugs, I got stem rot also.. it's fucking brutal i hate this weather. Outdoor is only good if you flip halfway through through the year and avoid...
yeah i guess cropping is like topping or removing parts of the plant. I've heard people use it as a term for harvesting that's why lol, i didn't think i'd need to be so technical.
yeah i'm just wondering cuz i'm thinking about taking them down soon due to the shitty weather and bud rot/stem rot, but i want to flush them and i think they still have some swelling to do.. the buds are kinda small.
What do you think i'm doing? i'm looking around the forum as well as posting this thread you chump, i need all the opinions i can get, and yeah it's been a shitty outdoor season and this is my second time growing so i no i don't know everything, but thanks for the help jerkoff.
Lol wtf.. you're leaving your buds out in the rain? how are they not all rotten? I have to run my plants inside everytime it starts raining and even then there rotten buds all over the place.
Can't remember how long they've been flowering for so i need opinions on when i should crop, I haven't even started flushing them yet.
EDIT: I need opinions on when i should HARVEST, not crop... lol.
lol those are 7 gallon grow bags. I couldn't find any bigger and i didn't want to transplant into the ground so i just let em grow and they turned out pretty nice for such small pots. Only downside is when the wind picks up it blows em over like nothing lol.
hey man, i didn't buy the green crack seeds from anywhere, i had a friend who gave me some dying clones and i nursed them back to health for the outdoor season. I tried cloning the strain but it's really hard to make them root. I don't know where you'll be able to get the seeds man sorry.
yeah thanks a lot i'll keep that in mind. I just noticed when i switched over to bloom food that's when the color change started happening. And i'm not really to sure about this food.. i think it's for hydroponics but it's all salts and i've been going easy when feeding cuz i don't want to kill...