Ive grown WOS and I loved yumbolt /47. They have a lot of 90% indicas and you gotta love that. I don't know anything about there pure line but if you send them a e-mail they will respond.
HGK can be a medium/ large yield. You will need a lot of bud sites before you flower.She will double or more in stretch.Mine took 10 full weeks in soil; and they couldn't be taken any sooner IMO.
Im chopping hgk and it sure did stink up the house, driveway, street. No filter this round. I think all the neighbors know.kiss-assAnd they will be kissing my ass for some. No complaints here.
I cant find good sources for many of these ingredients. I went to two hydro stores and two nurseries. No clays anywhere I found, and no Glacial rock or Basalt. That shits way too expensive to ship ; unless someones got a good source. I need an estimated 125 lbs of Glacial rock and an estimated...
Nah I wont move anything. Ive put Outdoor plants in ground before and Ive put some out late around start of August in 20 gallons and they had crazy roots at the end of the season. I figure 45 gallons would be ok for the whole season starting at the end of may and harvest hopefully Mid October...
I'll Be ok planting in this mix from 2 gallon containers @ 45 days old thats good correct but never young plants like seedings. And are the 45 gallons cool too? Looks like ill be ordering a lot of this online. I Hope to plant before June.
Base Soil
1/3 Sphagnum Peat from Premier Peat or Alaska Peat
1/3 Aeration material (2 parts Perlite, 2 parts chunky coco, 1 part Vermiculite)
1/3 Humus (1 part EWC, 1 part local / used topsoil, 1 part leaf litter, 1 part compost)
Per Cubic Foot of the Base Soil:
½ Cup DE
½ Cup Espoma Starter...
Hey Rrog I'm thinking of running your mix I like the Sul-Po-Mag and neem meal and BTI and Clays.... Im going to do probably 45 gallon smart pots do you think this mix would be good for that or just raised bed or in-ground?
Do you see any issues if I use Bentonite @ 4 cups per Square foot...
Get a humidity dome and a PH pen. Set up the dome and get your Rockwool ready by soaking rockwool in ph rooting solution than swing your arm in a circle to remove excess water Don't squeeze Rockwool ever.Put the Rockwool in the Dome and get it to temp; than add your seeds for your method.Remove...