K here's an album of my ventilation should be pretty much self-explanatory. The only thing that needs explaining is the device I took a pic of is a thermo-stat that can control A/C's and heaters with a more precision and it controls when my intake can fan and box fan turn on to push more air...
K I'll take more pics tonight but basically I have my carbon filter hanging from the ceiling right next to my hoods and the air is going thru both hoods into the attic. Intake is just a small fan with ducting coming from an outside window.
Yup I got all the timers I'll ever need however because...
Ya I was considering the hydroton when I started but friends and their results convinced me it wasn't necessary. Ya I'm positive the day 37 tray is heat stressed, my fan's timer was pulled out for a few days of their life and I didn't notice; temps reached 102 degrees at the canopy.
Yup I'm...
Jay - LOL that guy on the left suffered the worst of the heat/light stress it was actually pretty heavy when it turned like that. It's been getting worse as you can see and I wasn't expecting to harvest so I don't have the time to cut it down atm. When I get a chance I'm chopping it and making...
Jay - I was for a bit, roughly 500 ml per watering but its become tedious to check every plant and the day 23 tray I've been flooding with decent results.
Album added here : http://imgur.com/a/yEq3b
IN33D - Yup 2-3 days when they start to feel kinda light, if sooner they start looking kinda sad. I've tried watering every my first time and it killed everything with root rot. Idk if temps were the issue but I believe the plants that aren't heat...
I've been using AN exclusively with some great white shark and microbe brew to help with the root zone. Been adding some B vitamins and big bud (which isn't working as advertised : p). I only flood them for less than 5 minutes and every 2-4 days when they feel like they're getting light. My...
I've been toying with the how many plants and been adding accordingly. Right now I have about 36 flowering. I've been adjusting each tray to get a good canopy that maximizes light penetration and have found that 10 per 2x4 tray has been optimal for me.. so far. Root space seems okay as I only...
Vick - Yep but I don't have any atm I'm gonna take some tonight and hopefully post up tomorrow, but be warned one of my trays is badly burned by heat/light stress early on, the other trays look pretty good, I'll try and take quite a few but would you be more interested in room pics? Whole plant...
I run an ebb & flow sog/scrog system under 2 1,000 watt HPS lights(bought them used but they told me were used only ~60 days or so). I have 540 CFM fan pulling air through both hoods and into the attic. I was attempting to put the lights lower to increase density but have had multiple problems...