So here goes I use a 150 HPS in a 3x3 tent.. Temps are fine I run a cooltube, I think this is such a weak ass light I can't even get a ounce off 1 plant.
So I been thinking of going the cob route. I have wire and solder exp so thats not the issue.
My issue is what is the absolute recommended...
K got cha so ill just throw this stuff in the existing oil i have there maybe if not a high maybe i get a nice body relax for sleep w/o pains arthritus...
Also I am going to chop my male also in a couple min I have seeded my mango for seeds and crossing... I have collected some pollen as well...
Well i can say less then a gram in buds for sure hands down and fam leaves well it was not sugar leaves no trics on them.. But can I just add the buds im decarbing into that small amount of oil left maybe it will help a bit idk im new to this edibles stuff
Could be cause I used fan leaves lol and I think oil was a bit to much i am tossing in my 3 buds to see what happens lol..But that decarb is fine correct
I decarbed it in the oven 45 min 250f It was crispy brown then I put it in the mason jar and put in the oil just above the material matter then i put it on the stove double boiler method let cook for a while like 24 hrs then freeze for 2 hrs then took it out the freezer let thaw out then I put...
So I have a small amount of cannaoil left from last attempt I used some small popcorn bud and lots of fan leaves and some small small amount of sugar leaf..
Now that batch had no affect at all could eat so many cookies and no affect. I have no idea if maybe I cooked to long or IDK but anyways...
Thanks I am using bagseed so I guess we go by height : ).
Yeah i have my clone chamber and mother chamber being put together. No reason I have not used any nutes is cause I mixed M.G. Organic + some Walmart Perlite It has some fert so I decieded no nutes so that I don't burn them. Had to star...
So I am back again and started another grow 1st one was aight not to great had to pull very early had to move lol.
Any how so I started another one learned allot from last grow.
So I have 3 plants started from seed on the 3rd oct, by the 10 I had this.
And they look great praising the...
Well I have had some rough I mean rough obstacles and with the bag-seed i actually had all 3 females despite all the stress high temps all the newbie no no and all from gnats to deficiency they had it even weak ass lights lol..
I am on the 5th week flowering just getting into 6th week in 2...
Yeah its 2 weeks in flowering.. I added 4 more 14 watt actuall cfl to the top of canopy for now alongside the 150 hps.. Out of these 3 pots im sure i should get at least 1 oz dry in total maybe idk..
OK so i can buy a 6 inch and use that first what can I use at the moment for this flowering as its my first grow. Plus do i need to bend anything or lst all 3 pots are female from what you see do you think i will pull a good personal yield... Im doing personal tired of getting stuff I don't know...
Well should i get more light at the moment or get the fan first for the temps... And are you talking about this --- >