A week has went by since we last message,the plants seem to be doing better,I repotted,and have kept strict control of the water, Im using a product called PH down,which seems to be dropping the ph to the 6.30 level ( a sight better than 7.80)Last night I gave them (first feeding in 3 weeks) a...
Thanks for the speedy reply, Im sure repotting will help,but I think the culprit lies in part on the water,I checked the water before I watered and checked the runoff,the water Im using (tap) is at 7.89. I needed to water and checked a few grow sites and was able to get the ph to 6.50 with a few...
Hi fella, thanks for the advice,I replanted the girls with Organic Potting soil,could only remove some of the soil without hurting the root ball,but planted in larger containers.Its kinda hard to move a 16-18 inch plant,but I think I was successful. What is leached coffee? and how much should be...
It has been hot here 68 night 90 days. I was worried about the PH so I checked my water supply and found it to be near 7.75.Of course Im a jump the gun guy (not a good thing) but I adjusted the water to 6.75 with a very small amount of vinegar and used 1\4 teaspoon of super thrive in a gallon of...
I have 3 plants in 3 gal containers in soil.The soil I originally made from a mix of Scotts preimum top soil (no nute) moo-nure (small amount .05-.05-.05),and peat moss,with pearlite to keep it loose.
I use Shultz 10-15-10 lightly (about every other feeding,though it says to use every time)(and...