a flap for air to rise through? good idea :)
Will make it closable for when guests turn up. And yes its a 135 watt cfl, i'll keep checking it to see if temp builds up to much and its 6 hours off will be when im in bed, one person is generally in, so it wont go unattended. I agree it would...
It'll do till I can get a tent at end of month. Bit of a smell right now, hopefully just dust on bulb, cardboard not crispy (yet!) and bulb not touching sides, when closed.
hopefully another seed or 3 will pop in the next day or so, if not it would suck if my only sprouted seed was a male :-/ Until the end of the month im going to macguyver a cardboard box (big box) into a mini grow room for these seedlings and keep it indoors, as long as the cfl doesn't touch the...
Great news!
Almost gave up but yesterday bought the pots in and placed by a morning sun window with a radiator underneath and I have a shoot!
Now to keep it alive till end of month when im getting my grow tent and 400w hps.
Ok well after more ebaying ive found a 400 watt grow light with both types of bulb for £70. If 400 watts is good enough for 3/4 scroged plants then thats what I'll buy :)
Thanks for advice, right now im thinking of following the mainlining tutorial to keep them small , 2 oz dried per plant would keep me and wife in personal while the next batch grows so if I could get that minimum per plant id be happy.
Sounds good , I need the heat from the lights, the tent will be in a shed with no other heat sources so maybe a 250 watt would be better. Budget is of course an issue though and dont really want to pay more than £70 for a light if I can help it.
I need heat to grow in winter and cfs lights arent cutting it.
Ive decided to buy at end of month a proper grow tent (80x80x160cm) and a 150watt hps (dual spectrum) to compliment my 2 135watt cfl's.
Will the hps bulb inside the insulated tent be sufficient to keep heat levels up and will...
I think I'll just suck it up put another light in tuesday and give up end of week if nothings appeared, at night its dropping to low 40s F . I'll try again at end of month when I can afford a proper grow tent, should be better insulated against the cold that my current reflective panels wedged...
So ive got seeds I planted wednesday (after soaking 24 hrs) , their in my shed under 1 135watt cfl at the moment. Still no sign of shoots.
its 49° F outside at moment and im assuming as its a foot long bulb the heat is heating the plants somewhat.
ive ordered another 135 watt bulb that...
Hi all, first post so apologies if I'm breaking some sort of etiquette by posting wrongly, anyway......
Just finished making my macguyvered mini grow space and at the moment its being powered by 1 135 watt daylight cfl, nothing growing yet, just waiting for the seedlings (bag seed) to make an...