job.40.15-18.asv Behold now, behemoth, which I made as well as thee; He eateth grass as an ox. His bones are as tubes of brass; His limbs are like bars of iron.
The Hebrew word for behemoth means large beast and no living animals fit this description. Elephant and a hippo do not fit. Ill post...
1st the code is the oldest complete bible. They have recently (2012) they found 6 manuscripts that contain 45%of the new testament 5 that date to the early 2nd century and 1 that dates to the middle to end of the 1st century. Christ died around 27-33 ad so the apostles would still be alive at...
Actually it was written by Jews in greek as that was the written language of the time. Samething as americans writting in english its just the language of the times.
No it is biblical and hebrew scholars all agree magog is russia. Second it does give you a time period it says in chapter 36 says
ezk.36.22.nlt “Therefore, give the people of Israel this message from the Sovereign lord : I am bringing you back, but not because you deserve it. I am doing it to...
Okay a major prophecy that has been fulfilled recently that signals the end is real and that there is a God because he knows the future and has told us already what is to happen is the alliance between Turkey, Iran (Persia), and Russia(magog). The fact that they are allies is fulfilment of...
Thanks yeah just kept ppms low and watched ph
Its barneys farm im switching to something shorter to get more grows under my belt i dont know if i could get it to finish in 6 wks
I am going to put some hydroton balls over my soilless mix (I am using sunshine pro mix#4) i was wondering do i need to soak the hydroton first or can i just throw them on top?