So i just got on attitude to see if my seeds were in stock and of course most of them are not but i did see that they are having there birthday sale in 3 days so that's some pretty good timing, 1 day after i start germinating my last usable seed i find that attitude is having there massive sale...
So i broke out some needles and decided to try and help the seedling out of its shell i got it open but i unfortunately damaged the tap root getting the very last of the shell off, I'm not sure what was wrong with it but i believe the seedling was already fucked, when i decided to help the...
Hmm so its its been 4 or 5 days since i started germinating these seeds and im starting to become concerned about the blueberry gum, several days ago i saw that the blueberry gum seed was cracked and that i could see what i believed to be tap root inside but since then i don't think it has done...
Well my 2 seedlings the Veneno and the Burmese Kush broke ground so i decided to throw them in the mini hempys, the blueberry gum still hasn't popped but i can see the seed cracked a bit and i can see some white tap root, I'm not sure what its doing but its sure being slow about it...
They are...
I see thanks for the info man that is some very valuable information, according to those charts i was running at about 11.5 to 10k lumens, i was keeping my reflector at about 12-13 inch's and i just realized that didn't include the distance from my reflector to the bulb which is probably about 2...
Yeah I've had those pictures setting on my desk top for quite a while now, i don't know why but i just didn't think about how much of a difference those numbers could make on my yield, 6 inches doesn't seem like a lot when your only a foot away with such a bright light, but it apparently is lol.
Cool man I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with it, can i get a link to those out door photos of the pink i know I've seen them before but i cant remember where?
So i can tell by looking at my germinating blueberry gum that its about to pop out of its shell a few more hours and it will probably be ready to go into the rock wool, i watched a video recently that said that for every 1 inch closer you can get your light you will get an extra 1 inch in...
Damn that is one packed flowering room you got there man i cant wait to see it in full bloom, did you say you have that pink strain that you almost lost in there, the pics you had of that were beautiful. I have also considered building a false floor drainage system to catch the run off but it...
So i woke up today and checked my seeds and found that my Burmese Kush and Veneno have popped so I'm just waiting on Blueberry Gum to finish germinating, as soon as they break threw the rock wool I'm going to put them in solo cup hempys and water them every day, hopefully i can avoid any more...
Yeah i really hope that these do alright, cause they are the last of the freebies i got from attitude, and they are always out of stock on what i want...
Sucks about your plants man but at least they were able to bounce back from it, im pretty sure my seedlings were dead i couldnt believe...
Ahh that sucks man sorry to hear about your incident, as far as the blue cheese goes i killed it off a long time ago it never recovered from the transplant into the rock wool.
Well i decided to pull the plug on my 3 seedlings today, its been a few days since the incident and if anything they are only looking worse, i have wasted so much time getting this going that I'm about to run out of my last harvest so i don't want to spend weeks waiting for these seedlings to...
Well i have another mistake to add to the long list of mistakes Ive made during this passive hydro journey, last night i mistakenly left my humidity dome off for about 8 hours and in that time my rock wool cubes dried up and my seedlings wilted severely, i don't know how well seedlings recover...
So i guess i let the BBxNL stem move around to much when i was trying to splint the stem and today when i went in to check on the plants i discovered that the stem appears to be damaged beyond repair its quite shriveled and discolored all though the leaves are still healthy looking, so anyways...
So when i got up today and checked on my seedlings i was not that surprised to see that my BBxNL seedling has fallen over, so i got some tooth picks and a twist tie and built a supporting structure for it, the OG kush hasn't grown that much vertically but is looking okay a side from a slight...