for real on both points.
yeah just pulling air through the hood and exhausting as far from tent as possible. i have no carbon filter atm. smell isn't to bad especially if i have the windows open, which is also helpful in removing hot air buildup.
Cheers Gypsy.
what diameter is a 1gallon...
some more pics.
the plant that was vegged a week longer has the bigger roots and drank 1.5l in 24hours. the other only 0.5l at most.
got the step ladder out to take a canopy shot as well.
Right the hps turned up yesterday! Friggin ParcelFarce.
Got it all hooked in. Wow is it bright and hot. I may have to get a bigger extractor or modify the reflector slightly to get more air pull through it.
Plant on the left is about 17 days into flower and the one on the right is about 24...
definitely we are not superior to any other organism on the planet. would you agree tho that intelligence as we know it in humans is currently evolving due to passing our knowledge on to our children so that they can further our ideas. or would you call it something else?
no i'm not trying to validate my own points with anything you say.
yes you do come across as someone contradicts himself all the time.
i've read everything you've said and most of it was bullshit imo.
we did agree on one point tho that intelligence evolves. not in the same way as biological...
not sure what point your trying to put across in your last sentence.
i think even us infadels would agree that evolution is not a now thing. it has been, is and will be.
this seems to contradict most if not all of your earlier statements. or is it that you just refuse the idea of being a...
i would say that depends on what you replace parts with. i would also say that being able to understand how you could replace such parts is an evolution in knowledge.
there is no denying that he is a mammal. that is definitely fact. truth, justice, freedom... yep unfortunately concepts that are sadly lacking in all of us.
yes a very bad attempt. sarcasm isn't meant to be subtle. i'm not trying to startup anything btw. just speaking my mind. we've all got to do it (speak our minds) before the govt introduces the thought police. in the uk isp's are already introducing deep packet inspection and to with hold...
stoney bro, all of you will be recycled not just parts. even if you are cremated. i know you all ready knew that but i just wanted to correct you. (hehe irony based on one of your previous posts). respect.
sorry chinacat but you took that out of context. it was meant to be a piss take on the phrase mentally challenged. i would not consider any one with an issue retarding their mental function as mentally challenged just as i wouldn't consider any one with a drug addiction as substancely challenged.
i don't recall him saying bad things about mentally challenged ppl.(ffs that's such a pc bullshit way of wording something, do you call a drug addict substancely challenged). making racist remarks is totally different. the word coon is not described like that in the OED and the context it was...
guess i smoke bud in my crack pipe then.
started by the cops... is that joke... cops don't need to know the lingo they just smell it, search you, nick you. jeez.
well i was offended by your racist comments and i've reported your post. religion is fair game but race isn't. anyone with half a brain knows what you meant.