I put 10 gage green seeds in a glass of normal tap-water overnight and planted them in in rapid rooters 2 days ago.
I was wondering how long germination usually takes, or if ive already killed my seeds by placing them in normal tapwater overnight the pH was about 6.7 on the tap water, And i...
You say you can handle weed but your wrong. Plain and simple you cant handle weed this happens to a lot if not most new smokers who take more than they need. If you smoked like 0.01gram everyday then i kinda understand but i bet you smoked more than that. And I start to feel quite sorry for you...
Ok so i have a few questions.
A few thing you might need to know 1.5x1.5m tent, 2x 600w hps. I dont care about going down the cheap route if there's extra ways expensive or not i don't mind as long as it can get rid of all traces of smell. Im allowed to setup at a friends but as soon as...