ya.. u see the video of the guys with the closed loop ? so it don't matter open or closed.. closed = cleaner butane ifu clean it before hand. only difference.. and its cheaper. because u pay for less butane.. higher upfront cost.. but lower running cost
I use 250F until bubbles stop.. .. also.. I eat my edible chocolates with a cup of hot coffee.. seems to really hit you harder.. faster.. and better absorbtion rate all together.
ill post some photos soon. I just had my most epic.. first coco grow in canna coco. talk about easy.. big yielding.. and with great genetics the smell and taste is spot on.
nah dude that's proly nothing. ph issue.. or something stupid. had it on a few plants last run. I think it was water burning my leaves from when I was feeding.
just so u know.. you can be located based on your xbox one name.. by other people.. gaming ports are super easy to hack.. so if someone wanted they could rob. or get you busted about 100% easier.. that's why this shit isn't allowed on most forums......!!!!!
you have no clue what the fuck your talking about.. u can grow in your house. just lock the room. no fucking problem. we have a med card IN MASSACHUSETTS.. and my LAWYER.. said that as long as its locked up. out of the view of public.. and cannot be accessed by children or other non medical...
you got it bro.. that nice sugary waxy sap.. made from terpene rich material. usually not cured.. can get this with chop freeze and run. or fresh dried frozen ran.. love this consistency too.. has the best flavor and taste.. and the high is better the most because your experiencing the...
soon enough no1 will be testing for cannabis.. just hard drugs.. I think if they want to test for pot.. they should have a breathalizer at the door. if u have any alcohol in your system when u show up for work. you should be FIREd.
keep it at a lower temp while extracting.. or winterize.. sounds to me you pulled some extra waxes. which can keep it like that.. or.. it could be terpenes.. if it was a nug run.. terpenes can keep it soft..
but in reality.. it could be 10 diff things.
and its not B grade because it doesn't...
lol.. MY EXPERIENCE lol.. ya that's why DABS are exploding right now.. in popularity amongs recreational and medical users.. only because my EXPERIENCE LOL..
got that garbage attitude that matches that garbage you are smoking on the regular.
got some chemdawg 4 x og kush.. that 1 gram in a silicon jar stinks up my entire house..
got some sfv x chem that stinks the entire house out for hours off a tiny dab worth sitting in a jar.
every fucking race has stupid people.. that's how this shit works.. just like EVERY STRAIN IN SEED FORM will have a FUCKED UP SEED OR PLANT COME FROM IT.
garbage oil doesn't smell or taste good.. also.. winterizing can also take away lots of monoterpenes .. making a more bland oil and a lot of people don't know how to purge to properly save the terpenes but get out the butane. and a lot of people JUST DONT CARE.. lol huge...