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  1. J

    Quick help please

    thanks abe!! You're awesome
  2. J

    Quick help please

    Any advice on the droopy plants?
  3. J

    Drooping leaves HELP

    I'm using ffof soil when I first used the soil it was a little dried out so when I transplanted my clones to a 7 gallon fabric pot I only watered around the stem but most of the dirt around was dry. Then about 3 days ago I gave them a good watering to get most of the soil wet. What causes leaves...
  4. J

    Drooping leaves HELP

    Most of my plants look like this?
  5. J

    Quick help please

    Help most of my young ones are droopy
  6. J

    Why my girl looks sad

    weird how this site works
  7. J

    Yellow leaves it keeps happening :(!

    I'm having problems help anyone?
  8. J

    Why my girl looks sad

    I do check my ph water but not my run off
  9. J

    Why my girl looks sad

  10. J

    Why my girl looks sad

    But I did do the pack around the rim
  11. J

    Why my girl looks sad

    I did have drainage issues :( any solution for that problem?
  12. J

    Clawing leaf tips and droopy new growth.

    I'm using ffof soil when I first used the soil it was a little dried out so when I transplanted my clones to a 7 gallon fabric pot I only watered around the stem but most of the dirt around was dry. Then about 3 days ago I gave them a good watering to get most of the soil wet
  13. J

    Why my girl looks sad

    I'm using ffof soil when I first used the soil it was a little dried out so when I transplanted my clones to a 7 gallon fabric pot I only watered around the stem but most of the dirt around was dry. Then about 3 days ago I gave them a good watering to get most of the soil wet
  14. J

    Why my girl looks sad

    The dirt looks moist but doesn't stick to my finger
  15. J

    Why my girl looks sad

    The dirt looks moist but doesn't stick to my finger
  16. J

    Why my girl looks sad

    1 more pic
  17. J

    Why my girl looks sad

    I'm trying to put a pic up but having problems
  18. J

    Why my girl looks sad

    I'm on a 20/4 light cycle. It seems like few hours before lights go off they get droopy but when light goes back on the droop goes away
  19. J

    Why my girl looks sad

    What causes leaves to droop?