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  1. freemanjack

    Led drivers for 12v off grid system

    Well it claims to handle 250w, i'll be very interested to hear how it works, please keep us updated. Individual cheap boost converters on each cob would make multiple kilowatt rigs far more affordable as 12/24v dc transformers are ten a penny compared to anything 30v or above.
  2. freemanjack


  3. freemanjack

    Led drivers for 12v off grid system

    $3 one will be way too low wattage and will overheat most likely.
  4. freemanjack

    Led drivers for 12v off grid system

    No need to throw watts away with inversion, why convert from 12vdc to 100's of volts ac only to then convert back again? Wot you need is a 'Buck converter' tho i'm pretty sure the up shift type have a specific name (buck is high to low), these simple efficient circuits are cheap as chips too!
  5. freemanjack


    had anudder one showing biology looking like electrickery but i had to pull it fer copy right claims on some of the clips.
  6. freemanjack


    Was gonna say, you gotta be one hairy armed chick to be sporting a user name like don tesla. Might I ask you gentlemen to show a little decorum on the forum? I realise text is a terrible medium to express ourselves through but wtf? We is all stoners here, I ain't sayin we gotta always be nice...
  7. freemanjack

    running cobs parallel fused?

    With Vero 29's, providing you are running at rated nominal drive current (or there abouts) and have adequate heatsinking and are running more than 2 cob's per driver, a fuse is entirely unnecessary at the CoB. Thermal runaway only occurs with inadequate cooling and vero's are fuckin bomb proof...
  8. freemanjack


    Vermiculturalists- rise up and feed your oppressive leaders to your worms and BE FREE!!!! Just think how much great weed you could grow off a composted fat businessman or politician? YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE!!
  9. freemanjack

    Did you ground your DIY COB frame? Is it necessary? How do you do this anyway?

    In the US the negative post of 2 prong plugs and the negative AND earth of 3 prong BOTH effectively connect to ground, the positive being the 'hot' live wire, there is both a potential risk to your hardware, due to potential for direct short circuits to arise or harmful feedback loops to be...
  10. freemanjack

    Help me understand LED cobs

    For the time being to my best understanding, cree have nothing to match the latest citizen, bridgelux vero gen 7's or luxeon gen 3's but I'm only going by the spec sheets on the cree and citizen at the moment. If money was no object, I'd duplicate our luxeon gen 3 rig (awesome results), if I...
  11. freemanjack

    Single LED or Multiple smaller LEDS is better

    Luxeon gen 3's are quite remarkable, as are the new vero's, all our kit is hot off the press, bleeding edge kit, might be the difference, or we might just be shit at growin under hps? never discount 'ignorance theory'.
  12. freemanjack

    Single LED or Multiple smaller LEDS is better

    Our experience here suggests that unless you are using some super high spec hps, then leds are conservatively 3 X the watt/ light efficacy regardless of PAR, micromol, etc etc, we had a bigger better crop from 160w of led that 650w of hps in a full side by side test, same genetics, same dirt...
  13. freemanjack

    2x2.5 grow tent LED question

    Can only find the spec on the mars II 700 but it looks piss poor, also no luminous output stated which makes me even more suspect, the same sort of investment in the latest generation of cob's would monster that old design buck fer buck. I'd be tempted to see if you can't simply modify it to...
  14. freemanjack

    High Voltage Direct Current is LETHAL

    tens is ac i think you will find, my point precisely, thousands of volts ac can be moderately safe because it induces spasms, dc would induce a death grip.
  15. freemanjack

    Did you ground your DIY COB frame? Is it necessary? How do you do this anyway?

    agreed, but the chassis is not the driver as per the op question
  16. freemanjack

    High Voltage Direct Current is LETHAL

    lol but i still doubt you got big enuff kahoonas to stick yer tongue on a 170vdc meanwell??
  17. freemanjack

    High Voltage Direct Current is LETHAL

    with vero's, unless yer driving 4.2a per cob @150c you won't, vero's are virtually bomb proof.
  18. freemanjack

    High Voltage Direct Current is LETHAL

    if that risk is accepted and adopted without first figuring if it is necessary then go have fun playing with the traffic on the nearest freeway!
  19. freemanjack

    High Voltage Direct Current is LETHAL

    less than 60vdc does not overcome skin resistance so is more or less safe at any amperage, 50v at 100a tickles if yer sweaty, as a welder i should know!! but make that 100vdc at 50a yer in an entirely different ballpark.