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  1. P

    What is corporate fascisim

    Sounds like a lot of "both" "and" arguments here... Not possible to be absolutely clear on the definitions they do take new forms... But, In my humble opinion, I do not see that big blues or corporate America are some kind of super-governmental hybrid monster out of control and set loose...
  2. P

    Soil/Nutrient Help

    Thank you fellow Ohian, Viredd and smokeum all for the help... I have decided to buy new soil very soon, that way I wont be screwing around with the problem.
  3. P

    Soil/Nutrient Help

    Hello all! I am growing in 5 gallon buckets, use a 430 watt H.P.S. light. I am new at all of this and have discovered that Miracle Grow soil is junk... Well this soil is unfortunatlely for me what I am using. Someone wrote in one of the threads that one of the problems is that the ph is...
  4. P

    There Is A God ...

    No thing will go right until the last Democrat is strangled with the entrails of the last Republican...