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  1. PrometheanLeaf

    How long left?

    Why do you keep making threads for this? It's literally been 6 days since someone dropped in and said 3-4 weeks. Wait like 2 weeks and then post pictures in the thread you already made.
  2. PrometheanLeaf

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Which 320 kit?
  3. PrometheanLeaf

    Jacks (JR Peters) nutrients

    Anyone using Aptus with jacks 321? I'm curious about doing so myself.
  4. PrometheanLeaf

    !!!I'm soooo close!!!! Can I harvest next week?

    I'd probably just make a temporary enclosure from staking pvc down and attaching plastic covering. Those last two weeks are where magic happens, but if it's getting to bad to manage, ship happens. But yeah go ahead and start on water only if you are trying to pull them soon.
  5. PrometheanLeaf

    Can we build an HLG 550 or equivalent light? Ive got $$$ to burn

    As a way of just going cheaper, but really driving 4 boards on a 240h-2100a will give you about 265w and that itself would flower a 3x3 decently by itself. Add in an Emerson board/growmau5 far red puck and or some uv-b bulbs for your last few weeks and you might find your sweet spot of power...
  6. PrometheanLeaf

    Can we build an HLG 550 or equivalent light? Ive got $$$ to burn

    8x qb120 diy build @ around 1750 ma (40w) each would be right at $380-400. You'd basically just do 1 qb120 a sq ft leaving the center open. No heatsinks needed but some angle aluminum framing. I'd recommend using 2x HLG 185-24a series drivers ran in parrelell (one driver: 4 boards), it's a...
  7. PrometheanLeaf

    Spartan Family Genetics

    Dove in, ordered, Only took two days. Came with a bit extra in each pack. Very happy with the amount of padding that protected the beans, and even if the mail service was extra rough I'm confident no damage was done. They came in a Vial with internal cotton padding, and in very small boxes...
  8. PrometheanLeaf

    How do you clean your grow room air?

    If you have a light fixture in the room, you can always take out the fixture and run your exhaust into the attic that way without creating any new holes and you can just put back the fixture when you are done (be careful with electric though if you don't have experience.) Not sure if this...
  9. PrometheanLeaf

    Should be able too.

    Should be able too.
  10. PrometheanLeaf

    It's the amount of likes your posts get/posts made, and when you hit a certain number it...

    It's the amount of likes your posts get/posts made, and when you hit a certain number it unlocks. Just keep it up and likely sometime this week or next you will be able too.
  11. PrometheanLeaf

    LEC supplemented with blurple.

    I mean, it depends on the run time the lights have on them, and their expected remaining life. They work decently for veg, but not really flower. If you are wanting to look for a cheap option call local grow shops for used equipment and pick up either a decent 315 cmh fixture, or a 400w mh for...
  12. PrometheanLeaf

    LEC supplemented with blurple.

    What space are you trying to use? Each mars 300 has around 130 true watts. And yeah you could, but it just really depends on the area you are trying to illuminate. More info would definitely help. Whatever you get cmh wise make sure the bulb is red heavy (like 3k/3kr) because those mars hydro...
  13. PrometheanLeaf

    Two sentence joke

    What part of a Vegetable can't you eat? The Wheelchair. -- Dark humor is like food, Not everyone gets it. --- What's good about child molesters? They drive slowly through school zones...
  14. PrometheanLeaf

    Roofers, Roofing Contractors in here! All construction trades welcomed!!

    That lift you can also rent for like 30 bucks a days, totally worth it. We've used them to help install drywall in apartment complexes. Dead useful, mostly on the ceiling, but yeah..
  15. PrometheanLeaf

    Trying to learn trichomes properly.... how long do I have?

    Water only, 2-3 weeks before harvest is a "flush" to me.
  16. PrometheanLeaf

    Need help choosing LEDs

    Yeah, it's more just your power range is at around 24w a sqft. It might have been better to bring it up earlier but the power from my earlier suggestion (3hlg 260 kits) would have given you 780 total watts at max. Or 32ish a sq ft. I'm just not entirely sure only 2 units would put you exactly...
  17. PrometheanLeaf

    Need help choosing LEDs

    What price did you spend on them?
  18. PrometheanLeaf

    WTS 6 HLG 600H's fully assembled and working perfectly

    What boards are they, when we're they manufactured? Pictures are pretty necessary. What area are you in so we can find shipping estimates. Are you doing them cod? And how does the purchaser know they are actually getting a correct product and not a box with some bricks? Quite an undetailed post...