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  1. B

    Where does all the trim go?

    Gotcha, I guess hash is an alright alternative for those that don't have access to another option like a closed loop extractor. That's kinda why im on the hunt for clippings, need more people to blast wax for
  2. B

    Where does all the trim go?

    I just got 20 lbs last week, it aint enough lol and outdoor is getting ready to harvest so a ton will undoubtedly get thrown out
  3. B

    Cannabis trim

    My b lol im new
  4. B

    Where does all the trim go?

    Looking for trim. How does anyone find trim outside of their network of growers? I have all the time in the world to blast wax but not enough material to keep busy.
  5. B

    Cannabis trim

    I've got a great idea, you can donate us the trim and split whatever the yield is.
  6. B

    Cannabis trim

    I'd like to help you with that trim and take it to turn it into extract