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  1. D

    Cant root my clones! Tried everything. Any help

    Agreed, So simple. problems occur if there is a gap between stem and plug, too much water, and when people MESS with them. Rockwool can be kinda tricky I think, holds so much water, but...
  2. D

    Cant root my clones! Tried everything. Any help

    Except for Mister Kister. He’s right
  3. D

    Cant root my clones! Tried everything. Any help

    Dont listen to any of that. Your clones arent rooting because they’re too wet. Roots need to look for water. Keep it simple. Get a tray, a Tall dome with vents, and one 25w t5 strip for seedlings. Cut clones, drop in a solo cup with ro water. When you’ve taken all your cuttings, pull them...