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  1. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    I could never get into Bowie. TVC 15 is the only song I liked. Also "The Snowman".
  2. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    . And here but....Crosby was "Daddy Dearest".
  3. Don't Bogart

    Afganistan Collapse

    YOU ARE SO FUNNY! WHERE IN THIS POST YOU OR I MATTER?? Think about it. Here we vent. That's all. Neither you or I change a damn thing. So I'll buy the next round.
  4. Don't Bogart

    Afganistan Collapse

    Your so cool when your on drugs.
  5. Don't Bogart

    Afganistan Collapse

    No wait "tolerate". That's the word I was looking for.
  6. Don't Bogart

    Afganistan Collapse

    Jim......I'm beginning to like you. (Don't let it go to you head.)
  7. Don't Bogart

    Afganistan Collapse

    We are off course and I'm willing to admit to it. I'm responsible for doing so. ( I was on drugs). So..........what's your opinion on Afghanistan?
  8. Don't Bogart

    Afganistan Collapse

    Jesus Jim. I'm sorry! Peyote and that Brazilian stuff. What was I thinking. I can always trust you to keep me on the straight and Irish.
  9. Don't Bogart

    Afganistan Collapse

    O.K. let's go that way. Along with our wanting of legalizing pot let's Legalize, heroin, opium, cocaine, speed, oxycontin, fentanyl, glue, aerosols, Did I miss anything? Also it would be open ended so anything new would be thrown into the ring. Maybe huffing can become an Olympic sport.
  10. Don't Bogart

    Afganistan Collapse

    So don't.
  11. Don't Bogart

    Afganistan Collapse

    60's peace, love.
  12. Don't Bogart

    Afganistan Collapse

    Nope!! Might as well... Let everybody run stop signs... then we'll just deal with them.
  13. Don't Bogart

    Afganistan Collapse

    Yes we don't kill people but people get killed over pot.
  14. Don't Bogart

    Afganistan Collapse

    There has never, I repeat never been a great answer from the U.S. on the "War on drugs". SH*T STORM IN MY OPINION! AND it's hypocritical for you or I to even question this. You and I grow pot. DRUGS! Your more than welcome to argue the differences between opium and marijuana. But bottom line we...
  15. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    Think "BEEEER".
  16. Don't Bogart

    Afganistan Collapse

    Controversial. This Wikipedia post shows, or purports, that the Taliban took advantage of the opium production reduction. That said maybe Taliban 2.0 will be better with this. Even Dump did some good things.
  17. Don't Bogart

    Biden's not a cannabis friendly President.

    Doesn't sound like you do. I mean it's easy. Google. You know. G.O.O.G.L.E.
  18. Don't Bogart

    Afganistan Collapse

    No you dolt. Are you Abercromby , Blackadder, Carmichael, Fergusson, etc.
  19. Don't Bogart

    Biden's not a cannabis friendly President.

    Whoa. That's just trippin'. I gotta see that info. Let's see those links.
  20. Don't Bogart

    Biden's not a cannabis friendly President.

    Well if Grandpa keeps pooping in the corner.......oh well.