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  1. D

    Cal-Mag Deficient or What?

    On it sir, I need all the help right now.
  2. D

    What is the source of this deficiency?

    Makes sense, let me try increasing the zinc then. That’s about the last thing I can do.
  3. D

    Cal-Mag Deficient or What?

    Makes sense, I read up on it, seems very doubtful to be a cause. Thanks for the chart and plan though.
  4. D

    Cal-Mag Deficient or What?

    The bottles do not change the PH in any way. They only come in direct contact with the roots, the others are doing quite fine.
  5. D

    Cal-Mag Deficient or What?

    Thank you for clarifying that bit as well. The last area to probe is me adding bottles of iced water to reduce the temps. The exposed roots come directly in contact with the bottle, any chances of that playing the fowl?
  6. D

    Cal-Mag Deficient or What?

    That sounds like something I can do given that my weekly change is 2 days away.
  7. D

    What is the source of this deficiency?

    I am putting in 20 ml Cal-mag at the root zone with the total PPM at approx 1000. I am also throwing in an iced bottle of water every few hours which come in direct contact with the roots, although, the others aren’t showing any signs of stress:/
  8. D

    What is the source of this deficiency?

    The problem is that leaves are yellowing out and eventually browning, thereby affecting the photosynthesis rate. Also, the plant is a state of growing new branches as a result of HST.
  9. D

    Cal-Mag Deficient or What?

    yes sir, I have mixed a bunch as foliage feed and just sprayed her. Fingers crossed.
  10. D

    What is the source of this deficiency?

    Man, that just comforted me a whole lot, thanks for the input.
  11. D

    Cal-Mag Deficient or What?

    Now that’s what I wanted to hear. For starters I am going in with the 4 part feed and try to follow your guide from there. Also, I begin loading the bucket with Cal-mag first, followed by the nutes, I hope that works?
  12. D

    What is the source of this deficiency?

    The PH varies between 6 to 6.1 taking into consideration the optimum PH needed for magnesium uptake.
  13. D

    Cal-Mag Deficient or What?

    That sounds like a straightforward plan, thanks a ton man, going into it right away.
  14. D

    What is the source of this deficiency?

    I am giving it close to 20 ml of a three part Nute solution for a 20 ltr bucket. I have another strain right next to it which is cruising along just fine.
  15. D

    Cal-Mag Deficient or What?

    Yes, my water is RO, but I am compensating by adding additional cal-mag. Almost 20 ml for a 20 ltr bucket now/
  16. D

    Cal-Mag Deficient or What?

    from what I am diagnosing it seems like a cal-mag deficiency, do you recommend I flush and restart?
  17. D

    Cal-Mag Deficient or What?

    I am currently running with a three part nutrient solution at 20 ml each for a 20 ltr bucket. The humidity is a steady 58%, I have upped the PH to 6.2 as research indicates its best for magnesium uptake. The PPM is close to 1000. I am adding Iced bottles of water, sealed and everything into the...
  18. D

    Cal-Mag Deficient or What?

    Here are some images.
  19. D

    Cal-Mag Deficient or What?

    Hello all, My SAD is showing signs of continuous Cal-Mag deficiency even though I have added more and PH corrected the water. It’s getting frustrating because I am losing more leaves than it can produce. Older leaves are affected first and it yellows out in between the green veins. I have added...
  20. D

    What is the source of this deficiency?

    Hello all, My SAD is showing signs of continuous Cal-Mag deficiency even though I have added more and PH corrected the water. It’s getting frustrating because I am losing more leaves than it can produce. Older leaves are affected first and it yellows out in between the green veins. I have added...