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  1. Drop That Sound

    The Best Songs of the 1980s

  2. Drop That Sound

    leave a song for the day

  3. Drop That Sound

    The Best Songs of the 1980s

  4. Drop That Sound

    The Best Songs of the 1980s

  5. Drop That Sound

    The Best Songs of the 1980s

  6. Drop That Sound

    leave a song for the day

  7. Drop That Sound

    leave a song for the day

  8. Drop That Sound

    Just Raccoons

    Don't worry, only likely that 60 out of those 100 raccoons the crazy coon lady has been breeding carry the infection... :bigjoint:
  9. Drop That Sound

    Just Raccoons
  10. Drop That Sound

    Computer Thread

    The Tower 300 series PC cases are so sexy! Kinda reminds me of a phototron or something. I wanna grow weed in one, lol. Anyway, shutup and take my money, Thermaltake.
  11. Drop That Sound

    Climate in the 21st Century

    Another big hurricane? Dang..
  12. Drop That Sound

    Climate in the 21st Century
  13. Drop That Sound

    Computer Thread Yikes. Intel's latest CPU microcode BIOS update supposedly fixes the voltage problems with their 13 & 14th gen CPUs that causes them to become ticking time bombs, but pretty much...
  14. Drop That Sound

    Setting up dtw coco 2.5x5 tent

    Yeah, get the "disinfecting" kind of clorox if you can find it. That must be the normal kind , afaik? Man, they have too many different kinds now, lol. Outdoor bleach, disinfecting bleach, splash-less bleach, no-splash bleach (is that different than splash-less formula?) germicidal bleach...
  15. Drop That Sound

    Setting up dtw coco 2.5x5 tent

    I guess maybe your right? Looks like they did make all clorox bleaches splash proof now? Its true though, the old "splash-proof" kind literally said its not for disinfecting right on the labels, and designed more for whitening clothes without dripping al over the washing machine... Then they...
  16. Drop That Sound

    Setting up dtw coco 2.5x5 tent

    The last bag of pool shock I bought is also some new formula. Pool shock "plus" or something like that. I remember asking round about it, and no one seems to know if its different than the regular kind they used to sell. It does have slightly less amount of cal hypo in it too. Haven't used it...
  17. Drop That Sound

    Setting up dtw coco 2.5x5 tent

    Just make sure you aren't using the thicker "splash proof" or other non regular kinds of clorox bleach. Its easy to overlook on the label, and the bottles are usually right next to each other. I'm not sure it matters all that much TBH, but imagine it would have more fillers you don't want in...
  18. Drop That Sound

    Is touching cannabis briefly with clothing a seriously bad thing

    They literally make clothes out of cannabis. :leaf:
  19. Drop That Sound

    question about a very long veg cycle

    Light deprivation should take care of that problem..
  20. Drop That Sound

    How do I 'ground' a tent?

    And HID bulbs!