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  1. D

    Bladed leafs on seedlings turning yellow/pale

    maybe you have a lousy imagination and cant picture my problem, because as i said, a picture isnt necessary because it is exactly as how i described it and if you dont have any advice, then dont fucking care to post a reply in the first place because i really dgaf about anything that you just...
  2. D

    Bladed leafs on seedlings turning yellow/pale

    I thought that it might be a nutrient deficiency because I didn't want to add any kind of nutrients because they were still small. But I added some Espioma organic plant food I think its called, and now I'll see
  3. D

    Bladed leafs on seedlings turning yellow/pale

    The title says it all. And there is no picture necessary because it is exactly what the title says. The other leafs that look like weed leafs are actually normal, but the bladed ones are turning yellow and pale. I'm growing with CFLs in a 1.5 by 2.5 area. I calculated the required lumens for...
  4. D

    Have problems with steams bending over

    Alright ill try this again, thanks.
  5. D

    Have problems with steams bending over

    I think the title is self-explanatory. I really need some help.