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  1. F

    odd looking plants????

    somebody else who sees it from my point I'm a newbie who asked for some help and i am very appreciative of the helpful responses the plants are looking more healthy and appear to be recovering well
  2. F

    odd looking plants????

    600w hps light about 18 inches ph of 7.2 (from a soil tester) am using a seaweed extract nutrient room temprature around 20-22 c
  3. F

    odd looking plants????

    they get watered they have light and everything they need the first grow was great for a first grow but these look different. would anyone recommend just throwing them away and starting from seed again or will these survive??
  4. F

    odd looking plants????

    this is my second grow i started with clones i took from my first grow... but they look rather odd they all have rounded edges and look like they are curling a bit i put some pics also ....... any help would be appreciated