I don't think there clawing. Leafs just down because lights were bearly turning on, they were praying within half an hour. As far as everything else I think I got it dialed in. Maybe low ppm just being cautious tho because two weeks ago I had a higer ppm and that time they did claw and leaves...
Temps 75- 78 humidity 50- 60 under 240w qb at %30 Ive been feeding daily since its in coco with low strength mix about 1/4 of the recommended and I make sure the coco is partly dry. Only the past two days has it started to tilt, is it normal?
I looked it up, looks good but just to make sure because on some specifications it says 1400 ma max current but thats for running at max voltage right. At 72 volt I should be good for 2100 ma correct?
Im new to this and I want to put two of the qb144 together , there voltage is 36 max 2100ma so I need a driver for 72v correct? Will the 150XLG-150-H-AB suffice seeing that it provides the ma but 56v?