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  1. ride the walrus

    Ebay grow kits

    thanks for all replies so far
  2. ride the walrus

    Ebay grow kits

    I know the ads are very un-professional, vague and even a bit dodgy. A friend bought a grow kit from ebay for a similar price and got it just fine, but i'm not sure. Would i be able to use ebays buyer protection ?
  3. ride the walrus

    Ebay grow kits

    Hi all, i was just wanting to find out peoples opinions of the ebay complete grow kits. They are a lot cheaper than most grow kits, but i'm worried they might be scams. I would only be growing for me and a relative to use. I'm currently unemployed so if i got scammed it would put me on my arse...
  4. ride the walrus

    love reading about cannabis and love football

    love reading about cannabis and love football
  5. ride the walrus

    Big Buddah Blue Cheese (bbbc) and Big Bomb

    does the blue cheese smell very strong ?