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  1. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    I'm going to try to answer your questions without quoting each persons reply (once again for the reservation of space). A question common among you all is "how could I possibly over look the atrocities in the Bible?" It would help if you would tell me what passages you seem to be having...
  2. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    I'm just afraid I never see perfect morality coming about without divine intervention. I mean for instance look at the case of Hitler's rise to power and reign. How the hell did that ever become possible???? I think the simple answer is that the masses are far too easy to control. And as chance...
  3. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    [/COLOR] If I'm free to decide my own moral code, then is not morality nothing more than a figment of a mans imagination? Whatever he feels is right? That's a troubling thought. Especially in regards to one who lacks empathy or has a perverted sense of empathy. That is another major subject...
  4. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    Ok one last time at this. Just trying to clear up what appears to be a misunderstanding of what I'm asking (or a failure for me to communicate my question). I am not asking whether or not a moral system could arise without God. I am asking what a said system is based on, and how it is considered...
  5. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    You guys are replying to fast :lol:. To Chris Walkin Eagle: I appreciate your positive comments. But please do not insult me by assuming I'm to close minded to explore possibilities outside of Christianity. I would like to hear the multiple directions that you could go with this argument. And I...
  6. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    The problem I see with the process you describe is that it is ultimately men deciding the law. According to what you say, we have decided for ourselves what morality is. And that means I could decide for myself what morality is, as one mans opinion is only as good as another. Why should I listen...
  7. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    The reason why you can't convince me is because you never respond with a counter argument or try to form a logical thought. Perhaps you simply have trouble articulating yourself through text, or you simply have more trouble bringing your thought across. I mean no offense by this (and I am not...
  8. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    The thing is, you keep talking about about committing "evil" to bring about "good" as being "not ok." That is simply your opinion and your ideals. And seeing as your just a man, your words hold no weight. Yes, there is a great multitude of people who would agree with you. But there is also a...
  9. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    You don't seem to understand that I'm not talking about arbitrarily killing people. Please go back and actually read the posts. And believing that you need everyone you meet to survive is not only incredibly ignorant but impossible. In fact, I would be willing to bet that there is more people...
  10. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    It is precisely because of these ideas that I have trouble seeing how morality is rational with God excluded. If what you describe is true (in terms of an evolved morality and altruism) then it would agree with reason to impede upon those who I do not regard as "my own." After all, it is evident...
  11. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    You still fail to show any rational reason not to do as I described earlier. And it could be "rationally" argued that empathy is irrational.
  12. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    That made me laugh harder than it should have :lol:
  13. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    What are these rational reasons not to be evil? Why shouldn't I take from those who have more in order to fill my own needs/desires? Why shouldn't I end the existence of another, especially if I feel that the other is impeding on my needs and desires? Why should I feel bad for destroying another...
  14. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    Forgive me for not putting quotes to each reply within this, it would take more space than necessary. I think what I was asking was misunderstood. I don't adhere to morality only because I'm "scared" of consequences. What I was asking was rather if you could actually argue (in the absence of...
  15. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    I have a question I'd like to ask you guys. This is something I'd thought a lot about, especially during bouts of spiritual dilemma. Let's say for a second that there is no God (though I have no notion in my mind that this is true). If there is no God, then there is no such thing as morality...
  16. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    The thing is, God has proved his existence in my life through many things. And this often took place when I'd decided to abandon any notion of a God. What I was asking was not whether or not God would prove his existence to an unbeliever, but rather why would God reveal more about his personal...
  17. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    Why would that be special pleading? Why wouldn't God ask for devotion before revealing truths to individuals?
  18. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    For me, these questions are answered within the Bible. But I understand for anyone to consider these answers noteworthy then they would have to also trust the validity of the source. If I listed passages that answered these for me, would it do any good? The way I see it, we could speculate all...
  19. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    An interesting perspective. But what is your idea of the "best thing", and what is your idea of "wrong". If God is the creator then morality is based off his definition (in the sense of godly morality), and not some pre-determined mode of action that God is bound by. There may be man made codes...
  20. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    I guess my definition of "all powerful" doesn't encompass knowledge of all future events. Just as you mentioned, if the creator knows all future choices before an individual is even conceived then that would defeat the whole purpose of creation in the first place. What I think you are including...