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  1. RobotBoy

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Sons is by far the best. Pretty sure ive seen em all now im moving on to breaking bad. Its awesome so far :D
  2. RobotBoy

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Whats everyone smoking on tonight? I havent got fuck all so I'm gonna have a few beers :cry:
  3. RobotBoy

    Ever had weed like this? Pics included.

    Thats well cheap! Drought here aswell :( UK fucking sucks for smoke.
  4. RobotBoy

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Sons is amazing! Finished Season 5 the other week. I just gets better and better! Hows everyone? I havent been about for ages, bloody internet is normally too slow :(
  5. RobotBoy

    Building a new computer; looking for Input!

    That all looks wicked :) The only thing I would mention is Thermaltake are not very good. They are very flimsy and cheap feeling. Take a visit to I have been a member for years :)
  6. RobotBoy

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Wicked al have a look at that.
  7. RobotBoy

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hey guys I'm looking for some new seeds. This will be my forth grow so still a bit of a beginner. What strains are good for low smell and easy to grow? I have an Attitude account so I prefer to get them from there. Any help would be greatly apreciated :)
  8. RobotBoy

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Better that crappy unknown hash :P
  9. RobotBoy

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Sounds wicked. I have some crappy hash. Just finished of my stash of white widow and pineapple express last week :(
  10. RobotBoy

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Whats everyone in the UK smoking tonight?
  11. RobotBoy

    Quick question about Dankmaster's Microwave Steam Method

    Just did this and it worked really well! :weed:
  12. RobotBoy

    G13 Labs Pineapple Express and White Widow

    Where did everyone go?
  13. RobotBoy

    G13 Labs Pineapple Express and White Widow

    2 weeks in flower today. Al get some pics later on tonight. I was away for a couple of days and there was a power cut. I knocked the timer off for 45mins when the light was off. Do you think this will affect them much?
  14. RobotBoy

    G13 Labs Pineapple Express and White Widow

    Sorry I havent been on in ages guys. Got some pics coming up :D
  15. RobotBoy

    G13 Labs Pineapple Express and White Widow

    Not doubting you here but would the light not kill any roots it gets too?
  16. RobotBoy

    G13 Labs Pineapple Express and White Widow

    The new pots :D
  17. RobotBoy

    G13 Labs Pineapple Express and White Widow

    Well Ive been having issues with the temps. One day it was 40c but I got to 2 9" fans. Now the max temp is about 35c and min temp about 20c. Got my new extractor and filter on the way :D also repotted last night! I have pics on my phone. Al post them asap for you all bongsmilie
  18. RobotBoy

    G13 Labs Pineapple Express and White Widow

    At the moment I'm using Bio Bizz Light Mix Soil with the Bio Bizz nutes. Bio Grow, Bio Bloom and Top Max. The soil has nutes in already so havent added any more yet. Scared I will burn them tbh. Might get this next and this :)...